Check out this picture of Ore Lake from the 1930’s. Generously provided by Deanna. This winter scene looks like it is from the south end of Little Ore lake. Is that a plowed field in the foreground, across the road from the cottages?
Month: July 2021
Community-Wide Discussion
Thanks to all who joined our Community-Wide Discussion last week! We had a great conversation about our concerns and future goals for addressing regional flooding. We even gathered volunteers for current and future project! If you’d like to keep up-to-date and join our listserv go to:…/ResidentsWorkingAgainstHuro….
First in-person meeting
Recently we had the chance to meet with our two hydrologists (Wendy Robertson and Scott Dierks), along with other local leaders and stakeholders to explore our region and the community flooding concerns. It was a great first meeting face-to-face (with masks and distancing) and we are looking forward to beginning data collection and monitoring along Ore Lake and upstream of Ore Lake in the coming weeks. More information to come, along with future opportunities to get involved!
Hydrologists to study Ore Lake area
As promised (though a little late), we are excited to share that we will be working with two hydrologists, Dr. Wendy Robertson and Mr. Scott Dierks, on our Thriving Earth Exchange project to study the upstream inputs into Ore Lake and the surrounding region. We are very excited to begin this work and looking forward to all that we can learn from their expertise! We will keep you updated as this project gets off the ground. You can find more information about the project here:…/ore-lake-hamburg-mi/