River Cleanup Update

As a heads up, the river clean-up has been moved to August. The date is not yet determined. More to come on that. Have a great weekend folks and stay dry!

Organization Meeting – April 18th, 7:30 PM

We are having our first organization meeting of 2023 on Tuesday (4/18) at 7:30 pm.  Our partner hydrologist, Dr. Wendy Robertson, will join us to discuss the data collected from S. Ore Creek and Dibrova Creek last year, and what that will mean moving into this next season. We will also share other updates and what we’ve been working on during the winter months. Here is the Zoom link: https://oakland-edu.zoom.us/j/8790256520 Looking forward to seeing many of you! 

Amber interview with Mike and Jon

You can find out more about the $150,000 USACE flood inundation study during today’s interview with Mike and Jon! Thanks to Hamburg Township and Green Oak Township for supporting this effort.

Huron River Chemical Spill

We were informed yesterday of a hexavalent chromium spill in the Huron River watershed near Wixom. Currently, the avoid-contact warnings are for North Wixom Road in Oakland County to Kensington Road in Livingston. Further testing is occurring throughout the Huron River in the coming days. We will update you with more information as we hear more. Stay safe!

More information and news sources –

  • EGLE statement – https://www.michigan.gov/egle/newsroom/press-releases/2022/08/02/huron-river
  • WHMI – https://www.whmi.com/news/article/tribar-manufacturing-chemical-spill-huron-river
  • MLive – https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2022/08/no-contact-with-huron-river-advised-after-toxic-chemical-release.html
  • Channel 2 news – https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/residents-urged-to-avoid-huron-river-after-chemical-spill-in-watershed
  • Detroit Free Press – https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/08/02/huron-river-warning-hexavalent-chromium-carcinogen/10217976002/

USACE study kick-off

Today was an exciting day because we kicked off a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) flood inundation study upstream of Ore Lake! This is in collaboration with Hamburg Township and Green Oak Township. More about the meeting later this week and during our next association meeting in-person on Saturday, August 20th at 10am!